Need Appeal & Enforcement planning advice?
Has your planning permission been rejected by your local council or have you been served with an enforcement notice Breach of Condition Notice, Stop Notice or Temporary Stop Notice then please contact Complete Planning to discuss your options.
Need a certificate of lawful development?
To be certain that the existing use of your building is lawful for planning purposes you will need to a Lawful Development Certificate. Some extensions and alterations to your property can be built under Permitted Development. We always recommend getting a certificate of lawfulness, trying to sell, get insurance etc on buildings which has not got the correct certification is difficult.
Need planning for a new development?
For new build developments you will need to either submit a full planning application or an outline application depending on your specific goals. A full planning application will submit full details on the site and development including but not limited to; design and access statements, information on amenity’s, research and reporting, environmental surveys and block and site maps, whereas outline planning applications only contain basic information on the development and require the remainder to be submitted at a later date (known as reserved matters application).